Thursday, October 9, 2014


There is nothing like the smell of freshly popped popcorn to fill the air.  Along with the salty yellow butter that is drizzled over it when done popping, it is a treat that is hard to pass by.

Another word for smell is aroma.  The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 2:15, “For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” Did you know God likes for us to be an aroma? You may think, "How can I be an aroma for Christ, I’m just one person?" 

He wants you to live like Jesus, so that others around you notice Christ in You.  When we seek to live like Christ, what a wonderful aroma for God. He loves to sense the aroma of his children living like Christ.

As you live out the aroma of Christ, people around you will notice and they may want to have some. They will see your joy and your Christ-like heart and they will want some of what you have. 

The Outreach Committee will be handing out FREE POPCORN during the Homecoming Parade this Saturday morning.  I haven’t heard where our booth will be set up along the parade route. Just follow the AROMA of the popcorn. We at FCC want you to have some of what we have.  

Pictures from Homecoming Fall Festival

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